Holland, Michigan – The Ottawa County Democratic Party is holding an in-person Town Hall on Thursday, March 20 at the Midtown Center in Holland. Melanie Scholten, Political Organizing Director for the Ottawa Dems, said it is intended to allow residents of Michigan’s 4th congressional district the opportunity to share their concerns about the community with their elected representative, Bill Huizenga (R-Zeeland), who was invited but has not confirmed his attendance.
Scholten, who has been coordinating protests at Huizenga’s office since January, describes why she felt it necessary to organize the in-person Town Hall. “He acts as if his election victory gives him a free pass. We brought letters and shared personal stories, but soon we were told we needed appointments, his door was locked, emails went unanswered, and voicemails were turned off. We were told to 'slide concerns under the door,' which is unacceptable. This isn’t how a representative government should work. We deserve to be seen, face to face."
Huizenga held two telephone town halls in March, following advice from the National Republican Congressional Campaign Committee to avoid in-person town halls due to backlash over DOGE budget cuts and layoffs. However, the calls were plagued with technical issues, making it a frustrating and poor experience for those who were hoping for a meaningful conversation. Constituent Laura Herrmann Hulce recalls: “For every 2 to 3 minutes of dead air, I could hear for maybe 15 seconds. I have frequently attended, and occasionally lead virtual meetings; this is not user error. Several other people I spoke with also had trouble.”
Larry Jackson, Chair of the Ottawa Dems, states the upcoming Town Hall on March 20th will take a more people-centered approach, by allowing constituents to sign up for two-minute timeslots for their public comments. There will also be opportunities to connect with neighbors, community leaders and other organizers to discuss the issues that matter most. With Huizenga’s expected absence, Jackson says: “It's disheartening to see our Representative hide from his constituents. We hope to see him on March 20th, ready to listen - something that everyone in the community deserves whether they voted for him or not.”
The event will be held on Thursday, March 20, in the Study Hall at the Midtown Center, 96 W. 15th Street, Holland, from 6:30pm – 8:00pm. Doors open at 5:30pm. Spots for public comment are limited and will be given on a first come-first served basis.
To learn more, visit the event page.