OCDP County Convention 451 Columbia Holland, MI

Dear Ottawa Dems,

Our state Spring Convention will be held February 2 at Cobo Center in Detroit.  Prior to the Spring Convention Ottawa Dems are required to hold a county convention for the purpose of electing one male delegate to the Resolutions Committee of the MDP, and to discuss any resolutions we might want to put forth at convention.  The MDP balances gender on committees - this is the reason we have one male delegate to Resolutions.

Our convention will be held Saturday, January 19 at 2:00, at headquarters in Holland, 451 Columbia.  That date is also Womens March Day with activities scheduled noon-1:00 in Holland.  Please feel free to grab lunch and eat at HQ, we will have coffee and water available after the march.

The County Convention agenda is as follows:


A. Call to Order

B. Credential Report

               (This is a report out of all credentialed delegates for the convention)

C. Rules Report

               (This will be the time to review and accept voting procedure for the convention)

D. Election of Permanent Convention Chair 

(This is the person who will chair the convention)

E. Appointment of Convention Secretary 

(This will be the official record keeper of the convention. This person will also be responsible for sending minutes and results to the State Party)

F. Election of Convention Committee Members & Alternates 

               (State allocation by office and gender)

G. Resolution Consideration

H. Good & Welfare

I.   Adjournment

We look forward to seeing you at the Convention!

From MDP

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Dear Michigan Democrat,

The Democratic electors of the State of Michigan are hereby notified that by direction of the Democratic State Central Committee, the Spring State Convention of the Michigan Democratic Party will be held at Cobo Center in Detroit on Saturday, February 2, 2019.

The purpose of this convention shall be to elect one (1) Chair of the Michigan Democratic Party and two (2) Vice Chairs each of another race and gender. Each congressional district caucus shall also elect one (1) District Chair, one (1) Vice-Chair (of a another gender from the Chair), one (1) Secretary, one (1) Treasurer, at least fifteen (15) Members of the District Committee, and the number of Delegates and Alternates of the Democratic State Central Committee allocated to each district in the Official Call to Convention.

In order to hold party office or vote at this convention, a person must be a member for at least thirty (30) days prior, or by January 3, 2019. Precinct delegates, Democratic elected officials, Democratic nominees to partisan office, and individuals whose membership lapses inside the 30 day window may join or renew on or before February 2, 2019.

Candidates for Chair/Vice Chair of the Michigan Democratic Party or any congressional district must declare their intention to run by completing this form by January 3, 2019. https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSfZMwFRYfVlOpTICw…/viewform

Convention agenda and details can be found here: https://michigandems.com/event/2019-spring-state-convention/



davidson debate image.PNG

Urgent Activation Needed: TUESDAY OCTOBER 30 at DAVIDSON/HUIZENGA debate in GRAND HAVEN! 

Tuesday’s debate just got more interesting. The Ottawa GOP has organized a tailgate party in the Middle School parking lot prior to the debate from 5:00-6:30pm. It is VITAL that DAVIDSON SUPPORTERS and OTTAWA DEMS ARRIVE EARLY (4:30-5:30pm) to get in line for a seat. There is ONLY room for 900 people inside at the debate! 

Ottawa Dems will have a coffee/donut station set up outside and Tim Meyer is organizing folks to remain outside the school with signs supporting Dr. Rob. 

Let’s get out there and show our support for POSITIVE CHANGE!

Debate details: 
Tuesday, Oct 30 7:00pm
Lakeshore Middle School
900 Cutler St. 
Grand Haven, MI 

Doors open at 6:30pm, Doors close when seating capacity of 900 is reached. 

Link to event: https://www.facebook.com/events/280937332542177/

#daretobeactive #daretodebate

Mental Health Forum 10/10/2018

State Senate Candidate Jeanette Schipper is hosting a Mental Health Forum in the lower level of Herrick Library in Holland at 6:30 to 8:30 pm on Wednesday, October 10. We hope you all can join us. We have invited a number of Mental Health professionals as well as the other candidates, to join us and share their vision for our county’s approach to Mental Health solutions as they seek to represent the 30th District in Lansing.

Mental Health Forum: Schipper